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Moodle mysql_full_unicode_support error

If you get the following error in moodle installation, change $CFG->dbcollation to utf8.

Information Report
Your database has tables using Antelope as the file format. Full UTF-8 support in MySQL and MariaDB requires the Barracuda file format. Please convert the tables to the Barracuda file format. See the documentation Administration via command line for details of a tool for converting InnoDB tables to Barracuda.

this test must pass
For full support of UTF-8 both MySQL and MariaDB require you to change your MySQL setting ‘innodb_large_prefix’ to ‘ON’. See the documentation for further details.

if this test fails, it indicates a potential problem
Your database has tables using Antelope as the file format. You are recommended to convert the tables to the Barracuda file format. See the documentation Administration via command line for details of a tool for converting InnoDB tables to Barracuda.

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