Often happens in life A young teenage college guy send a love letter (in Q/A format) to his classmate. My Dear Reshma, Please answer the following questionnaire. For Options (a)10 marks, (b) 5 marks...
One morning at a doctors surgery a patient arrives complaining of serious back-pain. The doctor examines him and asks him" OK, what happened to your back?" The patient replies "You know that I work...
If only life could be like a computer! If you messed up your life, you could press "Alt, Ctrl, Delete" and start all over! To get your daily exercise, just click on "run"! If you needed a break from...
Imagine what would happen if GOD puts a call center in Heaven. When you pray, you will get this response: "Hi ,Thank you for calling Heaven. If you want to speak to Lord Ganesha - Press 1 Lord Shiva...
There was a Blind Gurl WhO Hate Herself cOz Of being Blind. She Hate every1 Except her Boy friend.. 1 day de Gurl said that if She can Only c the wOrld she will marry her bOyfriend, One day sOme1...
There is a site: www.friends2support.org where u can search for a particular blood group, u'll get thousands of donor details. You can also register voluntarily. Pass this msg 2 all u know. It will...