Ever thought of a way to auto lock or auto unlock doors, when you walk? Ever thought a mobile can help you to lock your door, without internet? August Lock is here - http://august.com/ Priced at...
There might be some reasons to move the wordpress website created in wpengine.com to another hosting. From the Backup points, there is chance that you will miss Media Library and get just blank...
To all my TCSers who want to leave TCS.. Think twice before leaving TCS. Or else you will have to regret later on. Processes followed in TCS are carefully crafted, neat and secure. Though salary...
How do you feel if you start something new that will be repeated for long time? For the first time, its very exciting. Second time, still exciting. Third time.. exciting but enthusiasm alters. Sixth...
Any person with a brain can become creative. The creativity exhibits itself in many ways. Drawing, making objects, doing something. Especially the ability to write. At some point of life, it becomes...
A letter from a teacher to a parent: Dear Parent, Kumar doesn't smell nice in class. Please try to Bathe him. Parent's answer: Dear Teacher, Kumar is not a rose, Dont smell him,Teach him...... Mother...
Mobile apps are available for stotras on stotras.krishnasrikanth.in website. Scan the QR code from your phone, or click the logos below. Screenshots Related Post Svaprakasa...